As a UAE-based company, ABNIC has a

responsibility to promote and develop local talent.

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ABNIC focuses on two related areas:

1. Recruitment: we have appointed a dedicated HR representative to recruit Emirati talent. The representative attends conferences, makes recommendations for the company’s Emiratization strategy, and is also responsible for ABNIC’s engagement with the Tawteen national Emiratization program run by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE)

2. Retention: keeping local talent is a challenge in a competitive market like the UAE. ABNIC wants to ensure it retains the best employees and some UAE nationals have been with the company for more than 10 years. To ensure retention, ABNIC provides various benefits including:

Flexible working conditions
Ongoing educational support
Opportunities for growth
Competitive compensation packages

ABNIC has achieved considerable success with efforts to increase the representation of Emirati women across the company. Almost all (95%) of the UAE Nationals working at the company are women.

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